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  • Writer's pictureSiân Collins

A teeny tiny life update

Oh hey there.

I just wanted to keep you guys in the loop a bit, instead of it looking like I’ve randomly disappeared or something.

Basically work and life and things are a bit hectic right now, and I’m finding it more and more tricky to put aside enough time to write decent posts every week.

Therefore I have decided that it’s probably a good idea to just post every other week for a little while.

You see, I have a tendency to put too much pressure on myself to do every task all in the same day, because I don’t want to let anyone down by not completing their requests IMMEDIATELY.

Heck, I should have finished everything before they even asked!


Soooo yeah, this is to avoid me spending every waking moment not resting.

As we all know, resting is a good thing.

Don’t you go worrying about me or anything, I’d just rather post something vaguely ok less frequently, as opposed to a bunch of drivel every week.

Because that’s not fair on anyone!

Of course, you may already think my stuff is a bunch of drivel, but that’s by the by.

But fear not – this is by no means the last you’ll hear from me… you have been warned.

Until next time, here is a cute picture of me and a doggo.

He is a good boy :)

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